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MWCNT surface modification


- Well fitted to the characteristics of Polymer & Customized Surface Modification of the MWCNT.
- High Conductivity Surface Modification of the MWCNT.
- MWCNT Surface Modification having remarkable dispersibility and excellent physical properties.

Compare the surface resistivity

HIPS/MWCNT tensile specimen surface resistance

Description MWCNT amount used(wt %) specimen entrance gate middle gate gate end Remarks
MWCNT 2.55 Obverse 4x109 2x1011 ~ > 1x1012 1x1011 ~ > 1x1012
Reverse 1x1010 1x1011 ~ > 1x1012 >1x1012
ST3-MWCNT 2.55 Obverse 2x107 ~ 3x107 6x107 ~ 8x107 2x106
Reverse 1x108 4x108 ~ 6x108 7x106
※Tensile specimen length : 19 cm MWCNT : without treatment ST3-MWCNT : hydrophobic surface treatment

PC/MWCNT tensile specimen surface resistance

Description MWCNT amount used(wt %) specimen entrance gate middle gate gate end Remarks
MWCNT 2.55 Obverse >1x1012 >1x1012 >1x1012
Reverse >1x1012 >1x1012 >1x1012
ST3-MWCNT 2.55 Obverse 9x107 ~ 7x108 8x107 ~ 9x107 2x107 ~ 5x108
Reverse 4x107 ~ 5x108 7x107 ~ 5x108 3x107 ~ 2x108
※Tensile specimen length : 19 cm MWCNT : without treatment ST1-MWCNT : hydrophilic surface treatment

PC/MWCNT tensile specimen surface resistance

Description MWCNT amount used(wt %) specimen entrance gate middle gate gate end Remarks
MWCNT 4.76 Obverse >1x1012 >1x1012 >1x1012
Reverse >1x1012 >1x1012 >1x1012
ST1-MWCNT 4.76 Obverse 5x104 6x104 9x104
Reverse 9x104 2x105 2x105
※Tensile specimen length : 19 cm MWCNT : without treatment ST1-MWCNT : hydrophilic surface treatment

Surface modification manufacturing process

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